Pupil Premium & Recovery Premium

Pupil & Recovery Premium

Please find our pupil premium strategy attached:


This includes: 


  • our school’s pupil premium grant allocation amount
  • a summary of the main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils at the school
  • how we spend the pupil premium to address those barriers and the reasons for that approach
  • how we measure the impact of the pupil premium
  • the date of the next review of the school’s pupil premium strategy
  • how the recovery premium has been used


For the previous academic year, we have included: 

  • how we spent the pupil premium allocation
  • the impact of the expenditure on eligible and other pupils


Pupil premium funding is allocated for each financial year, but the information we publish online refers to the academic year, as this is how parents understand the school system.


As we don't know allocations for the end of the academic year (April to July) in September, we report on the funding up to the end of the financial year and update it when we have all the figures in the new financial year. 


Please find our strategy below: 

Healthy Schools
UKLA School Member
Investor in People
Primary Science Quality Mark - Silver Award
Sport England Activemark Gold
Accelerated Reader
Times Tables Rock Stars
Purple Mash
Libresoft Librarian
Oxford Owl
Spelling Shed
Power Maths
FFT Attendance 2023/24
Read Write Inc. Trust